Thursday 27 October 2011

Portfolio Rubric, Requirements and Ideas

Just to give you an idea of how you will be evaluated on your portfolios in December, this is the template that the CALM teachers are currently using. We mark out of 10 based on your effort, professionalism, organization, creativity and completeness.

Portfolio                                                           Name_______________
Table of Contents                                         /5
This is Me                                                      /10
Personal Management Skills                      /10
Academic and Technical Skills                     /10
Teamwork Skills                                            /10
Total                                               /45

Directly below is a copy of the notes that Linda gave us when she came to do the porftolio presentation. Here are some details, ideas and the section headings that you will need to include. (Note: each bullet under the 4 headings is not "required" they are just ideas that would work nicely in that topic. You are encouraged to explore that area and personalize what you include).

Portfolio Requirements Notes and Ideas
CALM with Cali
*You need to have a Table of Contents that outlines your sections and the things that are within each section.
1.     This is Me: This section introduces yourself (hint* this is me project is perfect for this section)
-         Resume/Cover Letter
-         Personal Career Plan
-         Education Plan
-         Religion, Family, Values
-         Any other basic information about you.

2.     Personal Management Skills: This section shows skills that demonstrate your responsibility
-         Memberships (guides, cadets, etc)
-         Youth Groups
-         Reference Letters
-         Cooking for your family
-         Recognition awards
-         Descriptions of activities (pictures, newspaper clippings, etc)

3.     Academic Skills: This section shows your ability to think, learn and do (academic and technical skills).
-         Report cards
-         Diploma transcripts
-         Certificates
-         Scholarships
-         First Aid, Baby Sitters Course
-         Driver’s License
-         Decorating Skills
-         Before and Afters (hair, decorating, car restoration, etc)

4.     Team Work Skills: This section represents your ability to cooperate and work effectively with others
-         Groups you are involved in (sports, band, school groups, clubs, etc)
-         Documentation and photos
-         Team achievements
-         Volunteer work
-         Community work

Examples of things to include:
-         Pictures, awards, certificates, projects, reference letters, school transcripts, report cards, resumes, this is me project, thank you cards, before and after photos, list of responsibilities, personality quizzes.
A Portfolio should be:
-         Visually attractive, organized, illustrate specific examples, unique, constantly updated as skills develop and new skills are learned, every page should have a title and description as to why it is included.
-         Plastic sheet covers and about a 1 ½ inch binder is recommended.
-         Remember: collect, select, reflect!

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