Wednesday 21 December 2011

Consumerism Unit

If you want to look at some of the videos we watched in class on consumerism here are the links:

Consuming Kids

Big Ideas That Changed the World: Consumerism

Santa's Workshop: Slave Labor in China

Specific Topics to Look at for the Final Exam

- Balanced Health
- Dimensions of Health (How I Divide My Time Assignment)
- Sexual Health (Protection, Risky Behaviours, Abortion, STI's)
- Physical Health and the three types of fitness: Cardiovascular, Muscular and Flexibility
- Drug Use
- Career Planning and Interview Skills
- Gross Income, Credit Wise Consumers, Budgeting, High Risk Stocks
- "Buy in Gloom, Sell in Bloom"
- Insurance
- Consumerism unit

UNDERSTAND the following 15 words in order to be able to match them to their definition on the test:
* DO NOT MEMORIZE THESE DEFINITIONS - understand the concepts!
- Trust
- Intimacy
- Communication
- Entreprenuer
- Cash Flow
- Goal Setting
- Investment
- Sweat Equity
- Credit
- Capacity
- Credit Rating
- Stress
- Creative Thinking
- Investing Analyst
- Addiction

Thursday 8 December 2011

Final Exam Review

Hi Ladies and Gentleman,

If you want to get an idea of what themes on our class final exam will look like try to review some of these topics in your notes. We will be doing an in depth review and go over all the things in much more detail about what you should be preparing for :)

1. Personal Choices Section:
- Balanced Health
- Creativing Thinking and Problem Solving (Change It Project covered this)
- Stress
- Team Building (Murder Mystery)
- Communication Skills
- STI's and Safe Sex
- Media (Impacting Men/Women - Tough Guise and Killing Us Softly 3)

2. Career and Life Choices Section:
- Employability Skills
- Interview Skills
- Resumes
- Post Secondary Routes
- Portfolios and it's Purpose
- Rights and Responsiblities of an Employee

3. Resource Choices Section
- Investments
- Managing Money
- Personal Budgeting
- Insurance
- Credit and Debit
- Consumerism

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Investments Make Up Assignment

If you have lost the quiz given out in class/did not hand it in/were not here on the day we did the quiz this assignment is for you to do!

Answer the following questions: (10 marks)

1. What is the definition of an "investment"?
2. What is the "stock market"?
3. What is a stock/share that you can buy?
4. One risk in the stock market is "country risk". What do you think are some circumstances in countries that could cause it to be risky to invest it?
5. Name a country that you would consider to be risky to invest in currently?
6. Why is it smart to have investments, rather than just a savings account?
7. Why is it valuable to have someone like a stock analysts to help you invest your money?
8. Name a crash in the stock market that happened in history and explain how it impacted that country and the world.
9. What does your financial plan look like in the future?

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Budget Homework

If you are missing the budgeting homework please use this powerpoint presentation that we worked on together in class to complete the worksheet. Skip to the part about "Rachel's Budget", that is where that assignment starts.

Thursday 17 November 2011



Are you guys working on HSC3000? (your online course?!)

If not, we need to make sure we stay on top of that. Our course is due in December!

The site is and if you have any trouble logging on - please come and see me!


Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cashflow Reflection Questions

1.       How does the board game Cashflow, require a player to “win”?
2.       What is passive income?
3.       How does the concept of money in the board game, differ from what you have been traditionally taught about money?
4.       What skills do you need in order to succeed at the game Cashflow? (list at least 3)
5.       Briefly reflect on your experience playing Cashflow, what are some significant things that stand out to you? Was it a positive or negative experience? Explain.
      Bonus Mark*: Tell me anything else that you would like about Cashflow or your experience.
These questions are due by email or handed in by Friday November 18.

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Top Interview Advice

- Dress professional
- Perfect your handshake and always stand to greet the interviewer
- Pre-research about that company
- Be prepared with a professional, polished resume and portfolio
- Keep your cell phone off during the interview
- Make your body language neutral (don't fold your arms and legs, slouch or nervously scratch/pick/touch)
- Collect the business card of the people interviewing you after the interview ends
- Know how to answer the "hard questions"

Thursday 27 October 2011

Portfolio Rubric, Requirements and Ideas

Just to give you an idea of how you will be evaluated on your portfolios in December, this is the template that the CALM teachers are currently using. We mark out of 10 based on your effort, professionalism, organization, creativity and completeness.

Portfolio                                                           Name_______________
Table of Contents                                         /5
This is Me                                                      /10
Personal Management Skills                      /10
Academic and Technical Skills                     /10
Teamwork Skills                                            /10
Total                                               /45

Directly below is a copy of the notes that Linda gave us when she came to do the porftolio presentation. Here are some details, ideas and the section headings that you will need to include. (Note: each bullet under the 4 headings is not "required" they are just ideas that would work nicely in that topic. You are encouraged to explore that area and personalize what you include).

Portfolio Requirements Notes and Ideas
CALM with Cali
*You need to have a Table of Contents that outlines your sections and the things that are within each section.
1.     This is Me: This section introduces yourself (hint* this is me project is perfect for this section)
-         Resume/Cover Letter
-         Personal Career Plan
-         Education Plan
-         Religion, Family, Values
-         Any other basic information about you.

2.     Personal Management Skills: This section shows skills that demonstrate your responsibility
-         Memberships (guides, cadets, etc)
-         Youth Groups
-         Reference Letters
-         Cooking for your family
-         Recognition awards
-         Descriptions of activities (pictures, newspaper clippings, etc)

3.     Academic Skills: This section shows your ability to think, learn and do (academic and technical skills).
-         Report cards
-         Diploma transcripts
-         Certificates
-         Scholarships
-         First Aid, Baby Sitters Course
-         Driver’s License
-         Decorating Skills
-         Before and Afters (hair, decorating, car restoration, etc)

4.     Team Work Skills: This section represents your ability to cooperate and work effectively with others
-         Groups you are involved in (sports, band, school groups, clubs, etc)
-         Documentation and photos
-         Team achievements
-         Volunteer work
-         Community work

Examples of things to include:
-         Pictures, awards, certificates, projects, reference letters, school transcripts, report cards, resumes, this is me project, thank you cards, before and after photos, list of responsibilities, personality quizzes.
A Portfolio should be:
-         Visually attractive, organized, illustrate specific examples, unique, constantly updated as skills develop and new skills are learned, every page should have a title and description as to why it is included.
-         Plastic sheet covers and about a 1 ½ inch binder is recommended.
-         Remember: collect, select, reflect!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

Career Cruising Assigment
Username: chinookhs
Password: britannia
Then create your own profile making your own personal username and login once you have signed on using the one above.
Step 1: complete career matching assessment (under the assessments tab) complete all 116 questions
Step 2: complete skills assessment
Step 3: complete learning styles inventory
Step 4: analyze how your skills match your career interests (note: you should not have A’s in that career yet – you have no formal training!)
Step 5: choose three careers that interest you on the list
Step 6: email me your top three (with additional information about the job like salary, education etc) and a job that you would like to try for our “Hour on My Dream Job” with a couple locations in Lethbridge where you could do it and the phone numers. (

Example of Email:

Brendan Harper
Match 1: Athletic Therapist – makes 80,000/year, tasks include athletic rehabilitation
Match 2: High School Teacher – starts at 45,000/year, tasks include working with students
Match 3: Recreational Therapist – makes 53,000/year, tasks include developing program activities.

My Dream Job: Teaching High School P.E. and Bio at Chinook High School. Phone Number: 403 377 7152

Friday 21 October 2011

STI Make Up Assignment

If you owe the STI make up assignment please complete the following worksheet by using credible online sources (or your own personal knowledge!).


1.       Name two aspects of safe sex … explain.

2.       Name one STI and how it can be prevented.

3.       List one interesting fact about pregnancy.

4.       List the most common STI in Canada and the treatment.

5.       Name 2 forms of protection and how they work.

6.       Explain why having sexual education in school is important.

Personal Passion Project (PPP)

Well CALM, this is the title of the very last project we worked on together. We based this project on an outcome from the first unit that was your very own personal passion (how exciting!). All of you had approved topics therefore there is no need to go over the outcomes.

You must include with this project:
1. cited sources (in a way that makes sense to you and that I can understand) - avoid wikipedia!
2. an assessment tool (some way I can evaluate you - made by you and typed up) it could be a checklist of things or a rubric (as shown in class).
3. professionally presented (you must find a time to present your project to me if you missed the presentation day).

Please see the following project outline sheet if you have any more questions!

Design Your Own Project
Based on Health Improvements or Interests
Goal: To use the course objectives to analyze one subject of personal health in more detail, according to my own interests and/or needs.
How? Find an objective that relates to your area of interest. Create a project proposal (can be very brief) about what you intend to investigate and submit it to Cali during the class period for approval.
Then create a way that it can be marked or measured – an assessment tool (this may be a checklist or a rubric) based on what objective you are working on.
Specifications: Based on how hard you work this project will be due on either Friday October 14th or Monday October 17th. You may choose to work alone or with ONE other person. If you work with a partner all the work must be split evenly. The project can be submitted in any form that you wish (video, blog, powerpoint, poster, essay, Prezi presentation, etc.).
IMPORTANT: any research you do should be cited (meaning you give credit to others work by putting the title/author/website properly in brackets at the end of a sentence, putting things in quotations or creating a list of references at the end).

Project Example:
P:13 Investigate how science, technology and media affects wellness, specifically explaining the media role and influence of personal emotional/spiritual investigation.
Proposal: To investigate the current images of the female body and examine the link of changing images and ideals of female beauty and the rise of eating disorders. Central question: Is the “ideal feminine beauty” of the ‘size zero’ in every type of media and how does that impact women and girls body image?
Assessment tool – Checklist:

Is this project creative?

Does it do an accurate job of defining current media standards?

Does it fully explain eating disorders?

Does it show a correlation between body image and eating disorders?

Is this poster presented in a professional manner?

Is this project free of spelling errors?

Does this project demonstrate the proper amount of effort and care?

Does show a balance between partner work?

Thursday 6 October 2011

Marks and Assignments

Hey CALM-ers,

All your assignment and projects are posted on our website now. If you are wondering what you're missing please check the white board in our classroom and you will see everything that is not handed in.

If you have questions about your mark, your grades or ANYTHING else you know where to find me!


Change It Project (CI)

Change It! Project
Goal: To apply creative thinking to something close to home in our city with the potential to practically apply our ability to make change, benefiting self and others. In other words, THINK, PLAN and DO!
Limitations: Your minds.
Time Frame: September 26 Mod 21 & September 27 Mod 22

Step One: Find a group of three and brainstorm an area/idea/project that you think needs to change or be created for Lethbridge. The skies the limit! Do not discredit any ideas …
Step Two: Once you have a master list then select your top three ideas.
Step Three: Choose one idea to create an action plan for.
Step Four: Research your idea, has it been done before? If yes, then look into other similar projects. Is it already being done but changes need to be made? Is it entirely unique? Then set out the guidelines for practical application. Make phone calls, do research, make a survey, etc!
Step Five: Assemble a poster board showing a practical break down of how you could achieve this idea in Lethbridge including; resources, financial needs, advertising, marketing, sponsors/donors, time required, steps that need to be taken, etc. This will be unique to your idea and feel free to include any original thoughts in this section.
Ex. A sample advertisement …
Step Six: If possible go and do it this weekend. Meaning if it something that is already done – go volunteer. If there is something similar – go try it out. If it is totally unique try to take your poster board one step further, whatever that may look like … make a video? Write a blog?
Step Seven: Answer the three reflection questions posted on the class blog: The questions must be typed or written out and included with the poster as part of the final product.

How Will I Be Graded?

The project demonstrates a team effort in all aspects.
The project demonstrates a team effort in some aspects.
The project demonstrates a team effort in a few aspects.
The project does not demonstrate a team effort.

The project excellently demonstrates the creative thinking process and the uniqueness of personal passion.
The project adequately demonstrates the creative thinking process and the uniqueness of personal passion.
The project inadequately demonstrates the creative thinking process and the uniqueness of personal passion.
The project does not demonstrates the creative thinking process and the uniqueness personal passion.

The project exemplifies a great amount of time, care and effort in the planning and execution of the final product.
The project exemplifies a good amount of time effort and care in the planning and execution of the final product.
The product exemplifies a minimal amount of time, effort and care in the planning and execution of the final product.
The product exemplifies no amount of time, effort and care in the planning and execution of the final product.

3 Marks for the evidence of taking it to “Step 6” as a group.
Final Grade:               /15

Monday 26 September 2011

The Three Questions for "Change It" Project...

CALM 20's

Please answer the following three questions as individuals and hand these in as part of your "Change It" Project requirements (see the back of the project outline for the rubric and requirements)...

1. How was this project meaningful to you and your group?

2. Explain how change and growth impacts your life and your ability to make creative thinking and problem solving a reality.

3. Discuss living and liking life’s challenges.

Monday 19 September 2011

This is Me Project (TIM)

Hey Y'all,

Just in case you lost this sheet here it is:
This project is due by the end of September!

HEY! This is ME!
Project for CALM
Need Help? Email

Goal: Show creative evidence of WHO YOU ARE!
Ideas for Evidence to Include: your loves, passions, how you balance your time, how you learn best, skills/experiences you have, what you value, your personal philosophy, what makes you dream, what excites your heart, where you are heading, where you have been, different roles you play in your family, school, workplace, etc., your long term goals, things you are proud about, defining moments in your life, quirky characteristics of your personality, dislikes or what makes you, YOU!
Requirements: I will not limit you in creativeness, PLEASE surprise me! Use any medium you wish to express your individuality, song, video, clay, personal shield, photography, word collage, painting, interpretive dance, etc. The only requirement is that you demonstrate a personal philosophy and at least 5 pieces of evidence about you (feel free to use some of the mentioned ideas above). If your piece is very abstract please also include a brief explanation of why you chose that medium and what it says about you (be descriptive). There is no length requirement but please include your name.
Evaluation: The project will be evaluated using this rubric and your project will be confidential!

Project demonstrates thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project demonstrates some thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project demonstrates a lack of thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project does not demonstrate thoughtfulness in content or delivery.
__ x 3

= _____
Project shows that care and effort were taken in the creative process.
Project shows that some care and effort were taken in the creative process.
Project demonstrates a lack of care and effort in the creative process.
Project does not show care or effort in the creative process.
__ x 3

= _____
Project contains all required information.
Project contains most of the required information but is missing one element.
Project lacks some of the required information.
Project does not have most of the required information.
___ x 3

= _____

Please hand in this rubric with your project with your name at the top.