Monday 26 September 2011

The Three Questions for "Change It" Project...

CALM 20's

Please answer the following three questions as individuals and hand these in as part of your "Change It" Project requirements (see the back of the project outline for the rubric and requirements)...

1. How was this project meaningful to you and your group?

2. Explain how change and growth impacts your life and your ability to make creative thinking and problem solving a reality.

3. Discuss living and liking life’s challenges.

Monday 19 September 2011

This is Me Project (TIM)

Hey Y'all,

Just in case you lost this sheet here it is:
This project is due by the end of September!

HEY! This is ME!
Project for CALM
Need Help? Email

Goal: Show creative evidence of WHO YOU ARE!
Ideas for Evidence to Include: your loves, passions, how you balance your time, how you learn best, skills/experiences you have, what you value, your personal philosophy, what makes you dream, what excites your heart, where you are heading, where you have been, different roles you play in your family, school, workplace, etc., your long term goals, things you are proud about, defining moments in your life, quirky characteristics of your personality, dislikes or what makes you, YOU!
Requirements: I will not limit you in creativeness, PLEASE surprise me! Use any medium you wish to express your individuality, song, video, clay, personal shield, photography, word collage, painting, interpretive dance, etc. The only requirement is that you demonstrate a personal philosophy and at least 5 pieces of evidence about you (feel free to use some of the mentioned ideas above). If your piece is very abstract please also include a brief explanation of why you chose that medium and what it says about you (be descriptive). There is no length requirement but please include your name.
Evaluation: The project will be evaluated using this rubric and your project will be confidential!

Project demonstrates thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project demonstrates some thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project demonstrates a lack of thoughtfulness in content and delivery.
Project does not demonstrate thoughtfulness in content or delivery.
__ x 3

= _____
Project shows that care and effort were taken in the creative process.
Project shows that some care and effort were taken in the creative process.
Project demonstrates a lack of care and effort in the creative process.
Project does not show care or effort in the creative process.
__ x 3

= _____
Project contains all required information.
Project contains most of the required information but is missing one element.
Project lacks some of the required information.
Project does not have most of the required information.
___ x 3

= _____

Please hand in this rubric with your project with your name at the top.

Thursday 15 September 2011

How I Divide My Time (HIDMT)


So in case you were absent or neglegent I will give you the requirements for the first assignment check. They are due next class at the latest.

1. Write a list of all the activities you do in a week. The total must equal 168.
Examples of activities should include everything from hygene, sleep, school (32 hrs/week), friends, texting, family time etc.
2. After step one decide which component of health each activity belongs to: for example sleeping = physical health, eating = physical health, friends = emotional/relational health.
The four components of health are: Physical, Mental, Emotional/Relational and Spiritual.
3. Add up all of the four components of health to get a TOTAL HOURS PER COMPONENT OF HEALTH and list from from highest amount of hours spent per week to the lowest amount of hours spent per week.

If you are confused or need help, email me or ask a friend who has completed the assignment!
Have a fanatastic weekend!

Tuesday 6 September 2011

There's Been a Murder in Room 123 ..

Hi Calm-ers,

I have crazy news to report. Someone has died in room 123. Please show up to your next class with your Sherlock Holmes hat on .... I just don't know how we're going to do it but we need to find out who the murderer is ...

Thursday 1 September 2011

2nd Calm Class

Hey Calm-ers,

Just so you know this site serves as a resource for CALM mod 22 and mod 21.

For next class we need to remember:
1. Notebook, Binder, Pens and Paper
2. Any sheets you received in class

Mod 22's, for class tomorrow we will be getting to know each other and we will be doing some group activites with prizes!

For 21/22's on Tuesday we are having a guest speaker named Linda who is coming to talk about portfolios - our main project!

See you soon!